Lubrication Challenges
Improving productivity is an imperative business challenge in manufacturing. Frequency of minor and hidden problems in daily operations greatly influences sales, production costs, and product prices. One of these problems is the issue of lubrication. Impaired operation rates and increased labor and maintenance fees resulting from galling and seizing are major challenges in manufacturing. In addition, the new challenge of reducing oil and grease usage has emerged in environmentally conscious manufacturing.
The Technology of Solid Lubricant
The locations and parts in machines that require solutions for galling and seizing and oilless treatment vary greatly. Takano has developed a unique technology for producing solid lubricant using polymers. Our special solid lubricant products, including Oil Sticks, offer new lubrication solutions. These new solid lubricant products can be added to machine parts directly and freely. Oil Stick technology addresses your needs by reducing problems with sliding, making your machines maintenance-free, which will reduce the usage of oil and grease, lower costs, and offer more environmentally conscious approaches to manufacturing.
Versatillty Creates Added Value
The strongest point of Takano’s Oil Stick product is its versatility in making machines oil-free. Current oil-free products come in only standard sizes and materials. Our method of inserting Oil Stick solid lubricant into machine parts gives you freedom to choose any kind of material. Oil Sticks also can be inserted in any position, in any amount, and any size, according to sliding directions and distances. This enables you to design your machine parts freely to best suit your needs. In fact, depending on the ideas of designers and users of machines and machine parts, Takano’s Oil Sticks not only add lubrication, but can create added value to dies, machines, and equipment, enabling them and their products to evolve, thereby improving your business.

With Takano’s Oil Sticks any company can create their own oil-free sliding parts.
Oil Sticks are a special solid lubricant made from base oil, graphite, and molybdenum disulfide, shaped into easy-to-use sticksand discs using polymers. Because Oil Sticks can be inserted after a part is made, any company can easily make their own oil-free parts.


Takano’s Technology to Form Solid Lubricant to Suit Any Shape
Wider Selections for Oil-free Mold and Die Parts
Takano’s new technology to insert solid lubricant into grooves or holes on metal surfaces and form It into desired shapes can make regular die and mold parts oil-free. We offer possibilities for new oil-free mold and die parts that never existed. As well as being a stepped-up measure against galling and seizing, it reduces the numbers of parts and allows morefreedom in machine designing.
■Solid Lubrecant Ingredients
Same Lubricant as Oil Stick is used.
We take orders for custom-made parts. Please send us your drawings with specifications of groove and hole placement for solid lubricant embedding using the drawing on the right as a sample. We can create plans for you if you are unsure of placement.
Lubricant Ingredients
Our Oil Stick products are a special solid lubricant formed from a unique combination of base oil, graphite, and molybdenum disulfide, using polymers as a binder. Base oil facilitates graphite and molybdenum disulfide to spread and coat sliding surfaces, effectively preventing galling and seizing.

Press Reciprocating Sliding Test
Pin & Bushing High-SpeedReciprocating Sliding Test
Q : Does Oil Stick solid lubricant ever come out
A : It basically doesn’t happen. However, there might be a small chance, depending on the operating environment or usage conditions. We recommend securing and stabilizing Oil Stick pieces with adhesive,
such as Instant glue. Tests can be performed using the samples we provide.
Q : How do I plan the hole positions?
A : Its up to the conditions. However, the basic rule is to insert Oil Stick pieces within the moving distance
of the sliding direction. Hole distribution should be adjusted according to sliding speed, the Placement and Designing section of this brochure. Further questions can be answered by sending an
email to
Q : How big should the holes o insert Oil Stick solid Iubricant be ?
A : Hole diameter:The diameter of the holes should not be bigger than the diameter of the Oli Stick used. Oil Sticks come in φ4,6,8,10,and 12mm,but the actual diameters are about 0.2mm bigger.Drill bits with diameters of 4.0,6.0,8.0,10.0, and 12.0mm should be used.If vibration is expected, bits with a diameter of about 0.1mm smaller may be advisable. Hole depth:We recommend the sides of the holes be 3 to 5 mm.If the surface to insert Oil Stick pieces does not face upwards, we revommend the holes be deeper.
Q : Oil Sticks can be cut with box cutters.Can they also be grinded?
A : Yes, The surfaces in which Oil Stick pieces are embedded can be smoothed by grinding. Inserting Oil Stick pieces before grinding will shorten the procedure time.
Q : Are the procedures to insert pieces of Oil Sticksolid lubricant difficult?
A : Inserting Oil Stick pieces is easy. More detailed procedures are provided in the instructions that come
with the products. However, when there are many insertions, we recommend using Oil Stick Tablets to shorten the procedure time by skipping the cutting process. We can also produce oil-free parts for you in our factory. Please select the most preferable method for your company.
Q : We do plastic molding and the temperature ofthe mold reaches 180ーC (356ーF).
Can we use Oil Stick solid lubricant?
A : We would not recommend it. Oil Stick solid lubricant was developed to endure operating environments
up to 120ーC (240ーF). If used in a hot environment, Oil Stick pieces might soften and become dislodged.
We recommend running tests with the samples we provide. High temperatures near 120ーC might cause
the base oil of Oil Stick pieces to ooze out. Testing in advance is recommended if Oil Stick solid lubricant
is to be used near plastic during plastic molding operations. Note: Graphite and molybdenum disulflde retain their lubricant properties, even near 300ーC (572ーF).
Q : Does Oil Stick solid lubricant wear downthrough use and lose its lubricating effect?
A : Oil Stick pieces do not wear down independently, therefore their lubricating effect does not disappear suddenly. The components at the surface of Oil Stick solid lubricant break away and coat the sliding surfaces as metal parts wear. This coating on the surface provides enough lubricating effect. Therefore the lubricating effort fines nnt diminish suririenlv
Q : Our company cannot afford the time for Oil Stick insertion procedures.
Can Takano make oilless parts to ourspecifications i nstead?
A : Ofcourse we can. Just send us drawings of the needed parts. If necessary, we will plan the installation itself. Please contact us for estimates.
Q : ls Takano RoHS compliant?
A : Yes, we are. We provide a certificate of RoHS compliancy upon request. We also have documents
required for exports.
Q Can insertion procedures for custom-madeparts be done by my own company?
A The manufacturing processes for custom-made oil-free parts, including insertion procedures, are only done by Takano. Therefore, you cannot insert our solid lubricant by yourself in such cases. Takano usually does not offer solid lubricant procedure only, using parts you provide. This condition, however, may not
apply to all cases. Please consult us with your drawing.
Q : How can I create parts drawings for ordering?
A : Drawings need to show placements for grooves and holes to insert solid lubricant on the surfaces you want to make oil-free. The placements should be based on sliding directions, sliding distances, and maximum surface pressures. We can create plans foryou if you are unsure of placement. Please send us your
drawings with a request for planning.
Q : How do I plan groove and hole positions?
A : It is up to the conditions. However, the basic rule is to insert solid lubricant within the moving distance
of the sliding direction. The depth of grooves and holes may need to be changed or Please refer to the Placement and Designing section of this brochure. Further questions can be answered by sending an
email to
Q : Are the ingredients and lubricanteffectiveness of solid lubricant
the same as Oil Sticks?
A : Yes. Both use the same ingredients and the lubricant effectiveness is about the same. Therefore,
please note that the temperature limit for operating environments is also 120ーC (240ーF).